How to Save Your Hardwood Floors After a Flood

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Natural disasters can happen at any moment. While hardwood floors have many benefits, they are vulnerable to water. Flooding can pose significant danger to your hardwood flooring, but there are ways to save or recover it.

Dangers of Flooding

Wood and water are not compatible, and flooring is the first part of a home impacted by flooding. If you have hardwood floors, floodwater can affect the planks’ condition, especially if the water is standing for a long time. Some of the most common effects of floodwater on hardwood floors include:
  • Warping: Planks absorbing too much water can result in distortion, which can continue to make floors uneven. The water damage can also cause hardwood to start buckling, creating ripples around the edges of each plank.
  • Mold: Mold can start growing under and within wood planks, with chances of it spreading to other parts of the house.
  • Breaks: Water from the flood can break down the glue used to attach your hardwood floor to the subfloor, causing sections to lift and break.

Tips for Saving Water-Damaged Hardwood Floors

Though flooding can cause issues for hardwood floors, there are ways to save yours from water damage. Here are some tips for saving water-damaged floors after a flood:

1. Remove All Other Items

If you have any other items that got soaked in the flood, you’ll want to move them outside or to another room to dry while you clean up the water. You’ll have more room to work in and less material holding water.

2. Extract the Surface Water

Using a shop vacuum, remove all the water you can from the floor surface. You can use a squeegee to help gather the water as you suck it up.  

3. Scrub the Floor With Cleaner and Disinfectant

Floodwater is often dirty, and you don’t want the remnants left on your floor. After removing all the water, it’s best to give the floor a good scrub to clean away contaminants and treat any moldy areas you find. It’s also wise to use disinfectants afterward to prevent mold and preserve your hardwood floors.Keep in mind bleach type materials can stain floor finish.

4. Dry the Floor

Continued exposure to water will harm your wood floors, so drying them after a flood is a crucial step. You can open windows and doors, turn on a dehumidifier and use fans to speed up the drying process.

Learn More About Hardwood Floors

Flooding is usually a surprise for homeowners. If you find yourself dealing with unexpected water in the home, know that there are ways to save your floors from water damage. For more flood tips you can use to protect or fix hardwood floors, contact District Floor Depot today to speak with a representative.

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